Rethinking how economic progress is shared.

Common Wealth Canada is a non-profit advocating for land value tax to improve the housing market and address the urgent productivity and affordability crisis; and sovereign wealth funds that invest natural & publicly created wealth to pay dividends.

Why? Shifting taxes from income and productive investments to land fixes the incentives that have made housing too expensive, while increasing returns to workers and businesses. Together with dividends from common investment funds, they give everyone a stake in a growing and automating economy.

The goal of this project is to expand our common wealth so that our shared resources and economic progress benefit all current and future generations of Canadians.

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B.C. Land Value Tax: Putting our greatest asset to work

By shifting taxes to land, B.C. could lower prices, replace anti-productive taxes, and restore housing accessibility — while putting more money in the hands of families.

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The Brief Case for Land Value Tax in Canada

How can shifting taxes to land be a fundamental solution to address inequality, combat the housing crisis, stimulate economic growth, and promote sustainable development? This article explores the rationale, benefits, design considerations, and challenges associated with implementing an LVT in Canada.

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How Does Land Value Tax Improve the Housing Market?

A primer on how LVT can promote more housing, reduce speculative demand, and fix incentives that plague our housing system. In doing so, we could eliminate income tax for over 90% of Canadians or pay dividends to every household, while making homes cheaper.

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Common Wealth Dividends

A Sovereign Wealth Fund for Canada

We propose a sovereign wealth fund model that invests natural and publicly created wealth to benefit all current and future generations of Canadians. A $2T fund could generate $60-$90B/year to pay dividends to Canadians, and would be comparable to existing funds in smaller economies.

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Economic Rents in Canada

In our inaugural report, we estimate the amount of economic rents (unearned profits) arising from Canada’s land and natural resources at over $240B/year, enough to pay every adult $7,500/year in dividends or eliminate income tax for 98% of Canadians.

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The opportunity for Canada: a healthier housing system and a future where natural and publicly created wealth is shared.

What others say about building common wealth

About Us

Common Wealth Canada is a non-profit that promotes policies rooted in the idea that natural and publicly created value should benefit all citizens — through dividends and tax relief. Doing so would fix the incentives driving our housing and cost of living crises, while stewarding our resources for the benefit of future generations.

Prior to Common Wealth, members of our core team launched UBI Works, a national non-profit with a mission to make basic income a key election issue in Canada and to see it implemented nationwide.

Meet Our Team →

Read our Introduction to Common Weath for basic income supporters →